Hello PTI Technology Working Group Members, Thanks to those of you who attended our 8/28/23 meeting. I have posted the meeting notes, and pdf of the PowerPoint slides from today?s meeting in the GS1 TWG Community room. If you don?t have access, see Liz Sertl?s email message at 4:24 PM ET. For those of you who did not attend, we have been on an extended break and now have four FSMA 204 related guidance documents we need to create, modify, or update before the end of November. We are setting up subgroups to address each of these guidance documents. They are: 1. 856 EDI PTI 856 ASN/Manifest Transaction (ASN) 2. PTI Traceability Lot Code Source Reference Guidance (TLC) 3. PTI Harmonized Case Label updates (HCL) 4. PTI GLN Guidance Update (GLN) Each member of the TWG needs to identify which subgroup they prefer to join; meetings will start in the next two week. Please send your selection via email to tbaggett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your preference either by number or three letter acronym. Members not making a selection will be assigned to a group. We realize it has been a long time since we last met. If you are unable, or unwilling, to participate in the TWG please email Ed Treacy at etreacy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and he will remove you from the group roster. For those of you interested in the ASN group notes have been posted in the GS1 TWG Community room.